Posts Tagged self-esteem

What do KIDS really see about beauty?

This video is so powerful, and unfortunately so accurate about the media’s impact on kids today. I think it is easy to believe that kids are sheltered from these sort of images, and that they are only exposed to child-oriented television, such as Sesame Street, Barney, Hannah Montana, and the like. And let’s not forget the images they may come across on the internet!

We can point our fingers at whoever we would like to blame for this problem: the media, the parents, the schools, etc. But I strongly believe that one of the major things that must take place in society today is that children must be taught self-esteem (mostly by their parents, family members, and even schoolteachers), and must be taught to be strong in their own skin. They should have people around them daily that have strong self-esteem, so they know what it means to feel confident about themselves and feel great despite the images that surround them on magazine covers, television and the internet. 

The media has gotten progressively worse with promoting images of what it means to be beautiful, sending conflicting and damaging messages to young women everywhere. I think it is time that we take a stand against it – person by person, thought by thought, scale by scale. And the next time someone asks you, “are my thighs too big?” or “do I look fat?”, you should respond, “Does it matter?” or “You look great just the way you are!” And you would not be lying – you would be telling the truth. 

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Is it really that surprising that society’s perception of real beauty is distorted?

This video says a million words within a few moments of watching a model go through the process of beautification for the purposes of societal gratification and marketing. I think the point of this video is very clear: We should not be drawn into images on television and magazines and attempt to fit a mold that not even the models or actresses can fit without the rigors of Hollywood beautification and re-touching computer technology. One of the first steps in embracing and owning your own beauty is to be able to look at those images perpetuated daily and still feel confident and amazing about yourself. That you are the ideal for you – and that’s all that matters.

You can be inspired by the images out there – but do not conform to them. Make them conform to you! 

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Own Your Beauty!

What does it mean to “own your beauty”? For me, it translates as “celebrate your own unique beauty, inside and out!” 

I am really in love with the idea of “owning your own beauty” because society has constantly told us that we need to conform to a particular beauty standard. We are reminded when we see the television commercials, we see the magazines, the internet advertisements, and sometimes a lot of us wonder – do I really have to look like that to be beautiful? The answer? Of course not!!!

This site is a place where women of all backgrounds and generations can celebrate their unique look and learn about different makeup/hair tips and techniques or beauty products that they can implement into their routine or tailor to fit their own individual interests.

My overall point: Beauty should not be about “conforming” – it should be about celebrating yourself every day and all that you have been blessed with since the moment you were born.  So why not take a time out from the hype and own your beauty? 

This blog is truly dedicated to YOU, rather than the beauty marketplace (like so many other blogs out there!). So feel free to comment, share your thoughts – I look very much forward to reading your thoughts about embracing your own beauty! 

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